
ISBN-10: 0061624268
ISBN-13: 9780061624261
Publisher: Harper Perennial
Publish Date: 11/11/2008
Dimensions: 7.80" L, 5.20" W, 1.10" H



Price: $18.99


They are Microserfs–six code-crunching computer whizzes who spend upward of sixteen hours a day “coding” and eating “flat” foods (food which, like Kraft singles, can be passed underneath closed doors) as they fearfully scan company e-mail to learn whether the great Bill is going to “flame” one of them. But now there’s a chance to become innovators instead of cogs in the gargantuan Microsoft machine. The intrepid Microserfs are striking out on their own–living together in a shared digital flophouse as they desperately try to cultivate well-rounded lives and find love amid the dislocated, subhuman whir and buzz of their computer-driven world.

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"Coupland continues to register the buzz of his generation with fidelity." – Jay McInerney, New York Times Book Review

"The novel's real fun is the frequent and rapidly fired pop-culture references that span the 70s, 80s and 90s...and Coupland uses them with relish." – Entertainment Weekly

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ISBN-10: 0061624268
ISBN-13: 9780061624261
Publisher: Harper Perennial
Publish Date: 11/11/2008
Dimensions: 7.80" L, 5.20" W, 1.10" H
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