
ISBN-10: 0394757599
ISBN-13: 9780394757599
Publisher: Vintage
Publish Date: 04/12/1988
Dimensions: 7.86" L, 5.40" W, 0.60" H

The Memoirs of a Survivor


Price: $16.00


A novel–set in a future city where rats and roving gangs terrorize the street–that combines both Lessing’s “visionary” and realisitic writing.

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"One of her profoundest visionary excursions." –Gail Godwin, Chicago Tribune Book World

"An extraordinary and compelling meditation about the enduring need for loyalty, love and responsibility." –Time

"A brilliant fable." –Maureen Howard, front page, The New York Times Book Review

"Doris Lessing again presents herself as one of the most intelligent of all modern novelists." –Philadelphia Bulletin

"The most fluid and suggestive of all her books." –St. Louis Post-Dispatch

"A short, easily read novel...part science fiction and part 19th-century realism, its effect is profoundly affecting and mystical... especially moving for those who have responded to Lessing's previous work." –Houston Chronicle

"A major work, one that well proves her vigor, originality and importance as a novelist." –Cleveland Free Press

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ISBN-10: 0394757599
ISBN-13: 9780394757599
Publisher: Vintage
Publish Date: 04/12/1988
Dimensions: 7.86" L, 5.40" W, 0.60" H
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