
ISBN-10: 0375703314
ISBN-13: 9780375703317
Publisher: Vintage
Publish Date: 10/26/1999
Dimensions: 7.98" L, 5.22" W, 0.77" H

The Last King of Scotland


Price: $15.95


Shortly after his arrival in Uganda, Scottish doctor Nicholas Garrigan is called to the scene of a bizarre accident: Idi Amin, careening down a dirt road in his red Maserati, has run over a cow. When Garrigan tends to Amin, the dictator, in his obsession for all things Scottish, appoints him as his personal physician. And so begins a fateful dalliance with the central African leader whose Emperor Jones-style autocracy would transform into a reign of terror.

In The Last King of Scotland Foden’s Amin is as ridiculous as he is abhorrent: a grown man who must be burped like an infant, a self-proclaimed cannibalist who, at the end of his 8 years in power, would be responsible for 300,000 deaths. And as Garrigan awakens to his patient’s baroque barbarism–and his own complicity in it–we enter a venturesome meditation on conscience, charisma, and the slow corruption of the human heart. Brilliantly written, comic and profound, The Last King of Scotland announces a major new talent.

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"Genuinely beautiful and disturbing." –The Village Voice"This decidedly quirky yet absorbing first novel–that brings to mind the diabolical Evelyn Waugh." –Los Angeles Times Book Review
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ISBN-10: 0375703314
ISBN-13: 9780375703317
Publisher: Vintage
Publish Date: 10/26/1999
Dimensions: 7.98" L, 5.22" W, 0.77" H
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