
ISBN-10: 0374525854
ISBN-13: 9780374525859
Publisher: Fsg Adult
Publish Date: 06/30/1999
Dimensions: 8.20" L, 5.40" W, 0.90" H

Just As I Thought


Price: $26.00


This rich and multifaceted collection of Grace Paley’s vivid record of her life.

As close to an autobiography as anything we are likely to have from this quintessentially American writer, Just As I Thought gives us a chance to see Paley not only as a writer and “troublemaker” but also as a daughter, sister, mother, and grandmother. Through her descriptions of her childhood in the Bronx and her experiences as an antiwar activist to her lectures on writing and her recollections of other writers, these pieces are always alive with Paley’s inimitable voice, humor, and wisdom.

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"A feisty, passionate gathering of writings." –Elle

"In Paley, life, literature and politics converge–nonviolently, of course–in a cunning patchwork quilt of radiance and scruple, witness and example, nurture and nag, subversive humor and astonishing art: a Magical Socialism and a Groucho Marxism." –John Leonard, The Nation

"What distinguishes [Just As I Thought] from standard political fare is what sets her stories apart as well: Paley's genius for capturing the way people talk to each other across seemingly unbridgeable divides." –Alexis Jetter, Vanity Fair

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ISBN-10: 0374525854
ISBN-13: 9780374525859
Publisher: Fsg Adult
Publish Date: 06/30/1999
Dimensions: 8.20" L, 5.40" W, 0.90" H
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