
ISBN-10: 1563137232
ISBN-13: 9781563137235
Publisher: Browntrout Publishers
Publish Date: 10/01/1994
Dimensions: 8.95" L, 6.03" W, 0.79" H

Acting Alone


Price: $12.95


R.V. Cassill called Acting Alone “a vast maelstrom spun from an imagination of superlative dimensions”.

Stanley Elkin found Tom Bradley’s first published novel to have “an incredible energy level”.

The book they are describing opens at a cow college in Kansas, proceeds to holiday doings in Kiev, Nebraska, home of a disturbed young Marine recently released by the Revolutionary Guards in Iran, then spirals unpredictably toward Cheyenne Mountain, home of NORAD (the North American Air Defense Command) and the convent of the Servant Sisters of Saint Willibrord of Perpetual Adoration. There a dangerous plot spun by a renegade Mormon threatens to upset the protagonist’s plans for material and marital well-being.

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ISBN-10: 1563137232
ISBN-13: 9781563137235
Publisher: Browntrout Publishers
Publish Date: 10/01/1994
Dimensions: 8.95" L, 6.03" W, 0.79" H
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