
ISBN-10: 1578060818
ISBN-13: 9781578060818
Publisher: University Press of Mississippi
Publish Date: 10/01/1998
Dimensions: 8.98" L, 5.89" W, 0.75" H

Jean-Luc Godard: Interviews


Price: $30.00


“I am trying to change the world, ” film-maker Jean-Luc Godard told critic Gene Youngblood some thirty years ago. He has pursued his revolution in works ranging from the explosive Breathless to the eloquent Contempt to the controversial Hail Mary and the postmodern Histoire(s) du cinema, shaking up conventional formulas with boldly innovative approaches to every aspect of cinema and video – including film criticism via provocative essays in Cahiers du Cinema and interviews dating to the early years of his career. This book presents a varied selection of his conversations with critics, scholars, and journalists, spanning the 1960s to the 1990s and illuminating key facets of his life work and ideas.

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ISBN-10: 1578060818
ISBN-13: 9781578060818
Publisher: University Press of Mississippi
Publish Date: 10/01/1998
Dimensions: 8.98" L, 5.89" W, 0.75" H
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