
ISBN-10: 1905674708
ISBN-13: 9781905674701
Publisher: Wallflower Press
Publish Date: 12/25/2008
Dimensions: 7.60" L, 5.80" W, 0.40" H

Film and Philosophy: Taking Movies Seriously


Price: $23.00


This introductory volume presents an overview of the philosophy of film, a burgeoning sub-discipline of Aesthetics. It offers a sampling of paradigmatic instances of philosophers and philosophical film theorists discussing the movies in a fashion that takes cinema as seriously as any other Fine Art, leaving little doubt that doing philosophy of film is a serious intellectual enterprise.

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A thoughtful introduction to examining how philosophy responds to films, and how filmsexplore philosophical ideas.–Daniel Garrett "Off Screen"
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ISBN-10: 1905674708
ISBN-13: 9781905674701
Publisher: Wallflower Press
Publish Date: 12/25/2008
Dimensions: 7.60" L, 5.80" W, 0.40" H
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