
ISBN-10: 1564787109
ISBN-13: 9781564787101
Publisher: Dalkey Archive Press
Publish Date: 04/10/2012
Dimensions: 6.80" L, 4.90" W, 0.60" H


Translator: John Lambert


Price: $12.95


“A little thing happened to me. Which could just as easily have happened to you. You’re on vacation in a hotel with your son in a small village and you’re about to go see some friends, but something holds you back, a mysterious reticence that prevents you from going to find them. Here is the novel of this reticence, small and specific, and of the fears that it instigates, little by little. Because not only are your friends not there when you do decide to go find them, but, several days later, you find a dead cat in the harbor, a black cat floating in front of you on the water…” In Jean-Philippe Toussaint’s take on the detective novel, we find a man on vacation in a tiny village, where a writer named Biaggi appears to be keeping him under surveillance. To what end? Ah, but it’s far more pleasant to enjoy the Mediterranean night air than to look for answers, make deductions, or get upset–isn’t it?

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In Toussaint, everything depends on [an] almost. Minor breaks in routine become moving because human action per se is depicted as fragile, ephemeral, absurd. –John Taylor
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ISBN-10: 1564787109
ISBN-13: 9781564787101
Publisher: Dalkey Archive Press
Publish Date: 04/10/2012
Dimensions: 6.80" L, 4.90" W, 0.60" H
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