
ISBN-10: 1590170415
ISBN-13: 9781590170410
Publisher: New York Review of Books
Publish Date: 07/31/2003
Dimensions: 8.00" L, 5.00" W, 0.52" H

René Leys

Preface by: Ian Buruma
Translator: J a Underwood


Price: $14.00


In this entrancing story of spiritual adventure, a Westerner in Peking seeks the mystery at the heart of the Forbidden City. He takes as a tutor in Chinese the young Belgian René Leys, who claims to be in the know about strange goings-on in the Imperial Palace: love affairs, family quarrels, conspiracies that threaten the very existence of the empire. But whether truth-teller or trickster, the elusive and ever-charming René presents his increasingly dazzled disciple with a visionary glimpse of “an essential palace built upon the most magnificent foundations.”

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"Strange and memorable...Segalen had seen the truth in his lies and has left them this beautiful endorsement." –The Japan Times

"An allegorical novel of Being [that] beneath the mask of irony Segalen poured into this book all the anguish of man in thrall to his limitations...this is the novel of the Impossibility of Knowing." –Henri Bouillier

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ISBN-10: 1590170415
ISBN-13: 9781590170410
Publisher: New York Review of Books
Publish Date: 07/31/2003
Dimensions: 8.00" L, 5.00" W, 0.52" H
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