
ISBN-10: 0811219259
ISBN-13: 9780811219259
Publisher: New Directions Publishing Corporation
Publish Date: 06/29/2011
Dimensions: 7.02" L, 4.57" W, 0.23" H

The Leviathan

Translator: Michael Hofmann


Price: $9.95


In the small town of Progrody, Nissen Piczenik makes his living as the most respected coral merchant of the region. Nissen has never been outside of his town, deep in the Russian interior, and fantasizes that a Leviathan watches over the coral reefs. When the sailor nephew of one of Progrody’s residents comes to visit, Nissen loses little time in befriending him for the purpose of learning about the sea. The sailor offers Nissen a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to come to Odessa and tour his ship. Nissen leaves his business during the peak coral season, and stays in Odessa for three weeks. But upon his return to Progrody, Nissen finds that a new coral merchant has moved into the neighboring town, and his coral is quickly becoming the most sought after. As his customers dwindle, life takes an evil twist for Nissen Piczenik. And the final decider of his fate may be the devil himself.

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Joseph Roth was a cultural monument of Galician Jewry: ironic, compassionate, perfectly pitched to his catastrophic era.–Harold Bloom
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ISBN-10: 0811219259
ISBN-13: 9780811219259
Publisher: New Directions Publishing Corporation
Publish Date: 06/29/2011
Dimensions: 7.02" L, 4.57" W, 0.23" H
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