
ISBN-10: 0374519374
ISBN-13: 9780374519377
Publisher: Farrar, Strauss & Giroux-3pl
Publish Date: 04/09/1999
Dimensions: 8.20" L, 5.40" W, 0.90" H

The Land of Ulro

Preface by: Czeslaw Milosz


Price: $21.00


This major prose work, originally published in English in 1985, is both a moving spiritual self-portrait and an unflinching inquiry into the genesis of our modern afflictions. A man who was raised a Catholic in rural Lithuania, lived through the Nazi occupation of Poland, and emerged, first in Europe and then in America, as one of our most important men of letters, speaks here of the inherited dilemmas of our civilization in a voice recognizable for its honesty and passion.

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"The Land of Ulro reveals, among other things, the creative growth and workings of a brilliant poet." –Arthur Sabatini, The Philadelphia Inquirer
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ISBN-10: 0374519374
ISBN-13: 9780374519377
Publisher: Farrar, Strauss & Giroux-3pl
Publish Date: 04/09/1999
Dimensions: 8.20" L, 5.40" W, 0.90" H
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