
ISBN-10: 1324095105
ISBN-13: 9781324095101
Publisher: Liveright Publishing Corporation
Publish Date: 05/28/2024
Dimensions: 9.18" L, 6.17" W, 1.58" H

The Brothers Karamazov: A New Translation by Michael R. Katz

Translator: Michael R Katz


Price: $20.00


Dostoevsky’s final, greatest novel, The Brothers Karamazov, paints a complex and richly detailed portrait of a family tormented by its extraordinarily cruel patriarch, Fyodor Pavlovich, whose callous decisions slowly decimate the lives of his sons–the eponymous brothers Karamazov–and lead to his violent murder. In the aftermath of the killing, the brothers contend with dilemmas of honor, faith, and reason as the community closes in on the murderer in their midst. Acclaimed translator Michael R. Katz renders this masterpiece’s nuanced and evocative storytelling in a vibrant, signature prose style that captures all the power of Dostoevsky’s original–the clever humor, the rich emotion, the passion and the turmoil–and that will captivate and unsettle a new generation of readers.

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In 'The Brothers Karamazov, ' now available in a lively, fast-flowing new translation by Michael Katz (Liveright), Dostoyevsky blended the family novel with the whodunnit, revealing the capaciousness of the novel as a form and the power of blood as a metaphor . . . [Katz's] is, by my estimation, the voiciest translation of the novel thus far. He writes at the fever pitch of speech, unleashing the speed and the chaos of the original.–Jennifer Wilson "The New Yorker"
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ISBN-10: 1324095105
ISBN-13: 9781324095101
Publisher: Liveright Publishing Corporation
Publish Date: 05/28/2024
Dimensions: 9.18" L, 6.17" W, 1.58" H
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