
ISBN-10: 0941920259
ISBN-13: 9780941920254
Publisher: Bay Press
Publish Date: 09/01/1993
Dimensions: 8.97" L, 6.01" W, 0.87" H

Violent Persuasions: The Politics & Imagery of Terrorism

Edited byDavid J Brown
Editor: Robert Merrill


Price: $18.95


Nonfiction. What is terrorism? Who defines the term and for what purpose? In this powerful collection multiple and oftentimes conflicting meanings of terrorism are revealed and argued in compelling and accessible essays, discussions, and images. This collaboration between internationally respected thinkers, political activists, and artists serves as a visually engaging guidebook to contemporary world politics, a most valuable antidote to status-quo political reporting.

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ISBN-10: 0941920259
ISBN-13: 9780941920254
Publisher: Bay Press
Publish Date: 09/01/1993
Dimensions: 8.97" L, 6.01" W, 0.87" H
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