
ISBN-10: 1978829949
ISBN-13: 9781978829947
Publisher: Rutgers University Press
Publish Date: 06/17/2022
Dimensions: 9.13" L, 5.91" W, 0.55" H

Uncanny Histories in Film and Media


Price: $32.95


Uncanny Histories in Film and Media brings together a stellar lineup of established and emergent scholars who explore the uncanny twists and turns that are often occluded in larger accounts of film and media. Prompted by fresh archival research and new conceptual approaches, the works included here probe the uncanny as a mode of historical analysis that reveals surprising connections and unsettling continuities. The uncanny stands for what often eludes us, for what remains unfamiliar or mysterious or strange. Whether writing about film movements, individual works, or the legacies of major or forgotten critics and theorists, the contributors remind us that at the heart of the uncanny, and indeed the writing of history, is a troubling of definitions, a challenge to our inherited narratives, and a disturbance of what was once familiar in the uncanny histories of our field.

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"With consummate mastery, Petro has collected provocative and inspirational contributions to a range of subfields in media studies–colonialism and its aftermath, game studies, race and representation, transnationalism, global markets, and the trajectory of feminism."–Mary Ann Doane "author of The Emergence of Cinematic Time: Modernity, Contingency, the Archive"
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ISBN-10: 1978829949
ISBN-13: 9781978829947
Publisher: Rutgers University Press
Publish Date: 06/17/2022
Dimensions: 9.13" L, 5.91" W, 0.55" H
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