
ISBN-10: 0872865010
ISBN-13: 9780872865013
Publisher: City Lights Books
Publish Date: 07/01/2009
Dimensions: 7.90" L, 5.20" W, 0.90" H

Published by City Lights

Who’s to Say What’s Obscene?: Politics, Culture, and Comedy in America Today

Foreword by: Arianna Huffington


Price: $16.77


Satirical essays by a countercultural icon about the moral obscenity of contemporary politics, culture, and comedy.

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"He is an expert at ferrting out hypocrisy and absurdism from the more solemn crannies of American culture."–New York Times

"Krassner has the uncanny ability to alter your perceptions permanently."–Los Angeles Times

"Wickedly funny . . . Chillingly funny . . . A convincing look at a man who knows how to wield absurdity. . . . Krassner is so compelling. He has lived on the edge so long he gets his mail delivered there."–San Francisco Chronicle

"Krassner says he lost his sanity when he lost his sense of humor; his 'Confessions' prove he's got them back."–Newsweek

"Thanks to Paul Krassner for continuing to be the lobster claw in the tuna casserole of modern America."–Tom Robbins

"The FBI was right; this man is dangerous-and funny, and necessary."–George Carlin

"I have been a fan of his since I was a snot-nosed kid, and his words have been a driving force and influence on my life. . . . If you have read his work before, you know the joys that you are in for. If you haven't, start reading, and consider this your lucky day. For Paul Krassner is an activist, a philosopher, a lunatic and a saint, but most of all, he's funny."–Lewis Black

"Krassner writes on anything that catches his eye: the war on drugs, stand-up comedy, Don Imus, to mention just three topics. . . . The collection also includes a number of touching memorials to cultural icons Krassner has known, including Allen Ginsberg, George Carlin, Kurt Vonnegut, and Robert Anton Wilson."–Jack Helbig, Booklist

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ISBN-10: 0872865010
ISBN-13: 9780872865013
Publisher: City Lights Books
Publish Date: 07/01/2009
Dimensions: 7.90" L, 5.20" W, 0.90" H
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