
ISBN-10: 0872869318
ISBN-13: 9780872869318
Publisher: City Lights Books
Publish Date: 10/01/2024
Dimensions: 0.00" L, 0.00" W, 0.00" H

Published by City Lights

New Testaments: Stories


Price: $11.87


The lives of working class Mexican America, where everyday stories offer a portal to myth and fable.

“No one writes like Dagoberto Gilb! I loved these energetic, soulful, and hilarious stories that by the end had me wondering if I’d encountered the sublime on the page.”–Kali Fajardo-Anstine, author of Woman of Light

This collection of eleven stories is the newest installment of an ongoing, multi-volume literary documentary project, penned by one of the contemporary legends of Chicanx literature. Dagoberto Gilb’s cast of characters includes a young family whose exposure to a mysterious cloud of gas alters their lives forever; a high school dropout whose choice to learn the ways of the world from the adults at work in his uncle’s industrial laundry leads him into a dangerous dalliance; a former high-rise union carpenter who agrees to meet up with an eager old flame; an aging Chicano, living alone, whose children watch over him for signs of decline; and more.

These are stories about working class people who come and go mostly unnoticed or ignored, whose lives are not fodder for literary tropes or cliches. They are neither heroes nor villains, just regular people with their flaws and merits, facing the challenges and questions posed by everyday life. Gilb writes in a distinctive, appealing voice, welcoming the reader in with an easy sense of familiarity, and the effect is spare on the surface, but profound. Deftly capturing the nuances of interpersonal relationships in a simple word or gesture, he peels back the surface of seemingly unremarkable encounters to reveal layers of myth and uncanny surrealism, propelled by the momentum of new, changing times.

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"Gilb's familiar signature intimacy brings us face to face with marginal housing, gritty and exhausting jobs, street people, sex, earthquakes, fouled air, physical handicaps, racism. . . . Some of the stories are sidewinders: at first they indicate layers of something juicy and sweet but turn out to pierce the reader with painful splinters of insight. . . . an enjoyable work of high craftsmanship by a notable American writer."–Annie Proulx, author of The Shipping News and "Brokeback Mountain"

"So alive, so wise, so gritty, sensual, so felt, so many flashes of startling poetry. I kept thinking, I've never encountered a voice quite like this one, it has this reverb that hooks you, that vibrates under the printed words and inside your own blood, what is that? But now I understand: it's pure mastery, truth, beauty, life, it's that power inside this intimate space of a story but that goes on and on and never stops. Dagoberto Gilb is an American great." – Francisco Goldman, author of Monkey Boy: A Novel

"From the first line, Dagoberto Gilb's new story collection captivates readers as if drawn by a perfectly taut silver thread. From one story to the next, each so efficient not a sentence is wasted, readers are swept through youth's most tantalizing, shining shards of memory until, inescapably, the sandstorms of time render Gilb's characters and their recollections with increasing texture and complexity. By the end, Gilb has fully immersed us in the rich amber depths where pure voice and thought become material, and time, for those precious instants, holds its breath. Dagoberto Gilb again proves to be a masterful mason of literary craft and a foundational storyteller in Chicano and American literature."–Carribean Fragoza, author of Eat the Mouth That Feeds You

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ISBN-10: 0872869318
ISBN-13: 9780872869318
Publisher: City Lights Books
Publish Date: 10/01/2024
Dimensions: 0.00" L, 0.00" W, 0.00" H
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