
ISBN-10: 0195033817
ISBN-13: 9780195033816
Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA
Publish Date: 10/20/1983
Dimensions: 9.30" L, 6.15" W, 1.70" H

James Joyce (Revised)


Price: $37.99


Richard Ellmann has revised and expanded his definitive work on Joyce’s life to include newly discovered primary material, including details of a failed love affair, a limerick about Samuel Beckett, a dream notebook, previously unknown letters, and much more.

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"The genius of Ellmann's James Joyce is its abundance of detail–its wealth of anecdotes and letters, recovered conversations, and poems. It's a pleasure to salute this masterly book as it marches past again."–Newsweek

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ISBN-10: 0195033817
ISBN-13: 9780195033816
Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA
Publish Date: 10/20/1983
Dimensions: 9.30" L, 6.15" W, 1.70" H
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