
ISBN-10: 1597099031
ISBN-13: 9781597099035
Publisher: Boreal Books
Publish Date: 08/01/2016
Dimensions: 8.70" L, 5.60" W, 0.60" H

Becoming Earth


Price: $18.95


After beating breast cancer in her late forties, Eva Saulitis again faces the shadow, knowing this time the result will not end well. Saulitis revels in the nostalgia and secret pleasures that come from knowing it’s all fleeting. She searches for answers from European poets and Buddhist scholars, from women in treatment chat rooms, from family, from routine; she looks out into the wilderness, at the salmon dying in the river without the ease of morphine, at stone structures broken from water freezing, expanding inside. Becoming Earth is the account of a woman living life in the presence of death, trying to make sense of a world that will keep going, even though she won’t.

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"The intricate preciousness of each moment, life, place on earth . . . who has ever told of any of this with more exquisite, moving prose, or compelling tenderness? Thank you forever, Eva Saulitis, for your most astonishing, unflinchingly honest book. Your readers will continue to be moved and changed."
–Naomi Shibab Nye, author of Transfer
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ISBN-10: 1597099031
ISBN-13: 9781597099035
Publisher: Boreal Books
Publish Date: 08/01/2016
Dimensions: 8.70" L, 5.60" W, 0.60" H
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