
ISBN-10: 1957363746
ISBN-13: 9781957363745
Publisher: Scribe Us
Publish Date: 05/07/2024
Dimensions: 8.40" L, 5.30" W, 1.00" H

Rebel Island: The Incredible History of Taiwan


Price: $20.00


The gripping history of Taiwan, from the flood myths of indigenous legend to its Asian Tiger economic miracle–and the renewed threat of invasion by China.

Once dismissed by the Kangxi Emperor as nothing but a ‘ball of mud’, Taiwan has a modern GDP larger than that of Sweden, in a land area smaller than Indiana. It is the last surviving enclave of the Republic of China, a lost colony of Japan, and claimed by Beijing as a rogue province–merely the latest chapters in its long history as a refuge for pirates, rebels, settlers, and outcasts.

Jonathan Clements examines the unique conditions of Taiwan’s archaeology and indigenous history, and its days as a Dutch and Spanish trading post. He delves into its periods as an independent kingdom, Chinese province, and short-lived republic, and the transformations wrought by 50 years as part of the Japanese Empire. He examines the traumatic effects of its role as a lifeboat in 1949 for two million refugees from Communism, and the conflicts emerging after the suspension of four decades of martial law, as its people debate issues of self-determination, independence, and home rule.

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"Rich with fascinating details, Jonathan Clements' Rebel Island is an engaging introduction to the complicated and astonishing history of Taiwan."
– Shawna Yang Ryan, Green Island

"Taiwan has become a stresspoint of global geopolitics, and Jonathan Clements has done the world a favour with his indispensable account of its complex history. This illuminating and endlessly fascinating book can't help but change the way we see the Taiwanese people and what they have built."
– Clive Hamilton, author of Hidden Hand

"A concise journey through the island's complex history and all the different ethnicities, refugees, mavericks, and nationalities that have come together to make modern Taiwan."
– Josh Glancy, 'Five essential books about Taiwan', The Sunday Times

"Rebel Island narrates the long arc of Taiwan's history in vivid prose and with admirable sensitivity to contemporary views regarding the island's politically charged past. Clements provides an even-handed treatment of controversies old and new, while engaging readers with revealing anecdotes and his trademark wit."
–Paul D. Barclay, author of Kondo the Barbarian

"Clements's pacy and engaging account offers a valuable counterpoint to today's news coverage of Taiwan. Rebel Island offers a compelling portrait of a perennially fragmented place, subject across centuries to a succession of claims on its territory, resources and identity – of which Xi's is but the latest."
–Christopher Harding, The Telegraph

"A concise journey through the island's complex history and all the different ethnicities, refugees, mavericks, and nationalities that have come together to make modern Taiwan."
Ramona Magazine

"With great uncertainty in the region, Clements brings readers up to speed on the history of this incredible Rebel Island."
–Samuel Bernard, The Australian

'Riveting history [with] something in it for everyone – even old Taiwan hands.'

Steven Crook, Taipei Times

Praise for The Emperor's Feast:

"This is a splendid introduction to the cooking and history of China, filled with surprising details on the origins of many famous dishes."
The Guardian

Praise for The Emperor's Feast:

"Running through Clements' account is an insistence–smartly and subtly offered, and particularly welcome in our present straits–on the role food plays in binding family and friends together."
The Telegraph

Praise for The Emperor's Feast:

"A galloping journey through thousands of years of Chinese culinary history ... a timely reminder that the country's modern cuisine is the delicious fruit of a rich, ancient and perhaps surprisingly multicultural tradition."
–Fuchsia Dunlop, Spectator

Praise for A Brief History of Japan:

"Perfect for travelers or students ... A wonderfully fun, interesting, and informative introduction to Japanese history. Clements blends culture, politics, military, economics ... all with a wit and humor that carry the narrative forward and make it real."
–Mark Zachary Taylor, author of The Politics of Innovation

Praise for

A Short History of Beijing:

"Jonathan Clements evocatively captures the contradictions and complexities of contemporary Beijing while rooting the city in its broader historical context."
Times Literary Supplement

A Short History of Beijing:

"A must-read ... Accessible and concise, this whirlwind history of China's capital city is gripping and amusing."
Sunday Express

A Short History of Beijing:

"Clements makes an admirable job of disentangling truth from elaboration, finding historical foundations in much of the folklore ... a commendable introduction to Beijing."
Japan Times

Praise for Japan at War in the Pacific:

"This is a fascinating historical tour of one of the world's great cities, exploring Tokyo's long past with an eye to its present form and its bustling contemporary population. Clements digs deep into place names, and into the wider context of Japan's long history, to offer an account that visitors to Tokyo–whether first-timers or old regulars–will no doubt find invaluable in helping them to make sense of a city that can sometimes feel overwhelming in its size and vibrant complexity."
–Chris Harding, author of Japan Story

Praise for Wu:

"Clements' skilful narrative leaves it to the reader to decide whether Wu was a tyrant or a dutiful stateswoman ... illuminating and enjoyable."
Publishers Weekly

Praise for Wu:

"Clements tells the story of Wu with a light but informed touch.'
Literary Review

Praise for Wu:

The Lady

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ISBN-10: 1957363746
ISBN-13: 9781957363745
Publisher: Scribe Us
Publish Date: 05/07/2024
Dimensions: 8.40" L, 5.30" W, 1.00" H
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