
ISBN-10: 0804797544
ISBN-13: 9780804797542
Publisher: Stanford University Press
Publish Date: 03/02/2016
Dimensions: 8.40" L, 5.50" W, 0.90" H

The Latinos of Asia: How Filipino Americans Break the Rules of Race


Price: $25.00


Is race only about the color of your skin? In The Latinos of Asia, Anthony Christian Ocampo shows that what “color” you are depends largely on your social context. Filipino Americans, for example, helped establish the Asian American movement and are classified by the U.S. Census as Asian. But the legacy of Spanish colonialism in the Philippines means that they share many cultural characteristics with Latinos, such as last names, religion, and language. Thus, Filipinos’ “color”–their sense of connection with other racial groups–changes depending on their social context.

The Filipino story demonstrates how immigration is changing the way people negotiate race, particularly in cities like Los Angeles where Latinos and Asians now constitute a collective majority. Amplifying their voices, Ocampo illustrates how second-generation Filipino Americans’ racial identities change depending on the communities they grow up in, the schools they attend, and the people they befriend. Ultimately, The Latinos of Asia offers a window into both the racial consciousness of everyday people and the changing racial landscape of American society.

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"This is a groundbreaking book about one of the least understood groups of people: Filipinos. As a people, we're a lot American, we're definitely Asian, and we're undeniably Latino. The Latinos of Asia is essential reading not only for the Filipino diaspora but for anyone who cares about the mysteries of racial identity."–Jose Antonio Vargas "Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and founder of Define American and #EmergingUS"
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ISBN-10: 0804797544
ISBN-13: 9780804797542
Publisher: Stanford University Press
Publish Date: 03/02/2016
Dimensions: 8.40" L, 5.50" W, 0.90" H
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