
ISBN-10: 0765601370
ISBN-13: 9780765601377
Publisher: Routledge
Publish Date: 09/30/1997
Dimensions: 8.99" L, 6.03" W, 0.57" H

The Descendants of Cain


Price: $52.95


Hwang Sun-won is one of the most beloved and respected Korean writers of the twentieth century. This extraordinary novel is based on his own experience in his North Korean village at a historic turning point for modern Korea between the end of World War II (and with it the end of the 35-year Japanese occupation of Korea) and the eve of the Korean War just when Korea had been divided into North and South by its two “liberators” – the United States and the Soviet Union. Portrayed here is an entire community caught in a political and social firestorm that scathingly reveals the selfishness, cruelty, and ignorance of simple people, but also their loyalty and nobility.

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ISBN-10: 0765601370
ISBN-13: 9780765601377
Publisher: Routledge
Publish Date: 09/30/1997
Dimensions: 8.99" L, 6.03" W, 0.57" H
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