
ISBN-10: 1912278065
ISBN-13: 9781912278060
Publisher: Centrala
Publish Date: 12/01/2020
Dimensions: 13.10" L, 9.80" W, 0.60" H

The Silence of the Hippo: African Folktales Told by Children

Adapted by:David Böhm


Price: $20.00


The African imagination unmercifully breaks down European preconceptions of what a folktale is supposed to look like.

Poetic, somewhat absurd, and in some places dark – such are the short folktales in this book. Most of them come out of traditional African folklore, as reimagined by child storytellers, with a rather distinctive flavor.

These stories came into the hands of the Czech artist David Böhm in the suitcase of his sister Terezie as a stack of student essays from a small Central African school. Retelling these kids’ stories in comic format, Böhm creates a singularly refreshing graphic adaptation for adults.

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"There are books whose action will engulf you. At other times, you will be alarmed or frightened. The graphic page also plays a role in comics - text and image go hand in hand. If a disturbing storyline meets an interesting graphic design that perfectly matches the content, then such a book is definitely worth attention." –Richard Klíčník
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ISBN-10: 1912278065
ISBN-13: 9781912278060
Publisher: Centrala
Publish Date: 12/01/2020
Dimensions: 13.10" L, 9.80" W, 0.60" H
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