
ISBN-10: 1942683537
ISBN-13: 9781942683537
Publisher: BOA Editions
Publish Date: 04/10/2018
Dimensions: 8.90" L, 6.90" W, 0.50" H


Foreword by: Brenda Shaughnessy


Price: $17.00


A lyrical debut exploring the emotional fallout of immigration, childbirth, queer desire within a heteronormative marriage, and, ultimately, belonging.

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"In the collection, which takes its title from the Spanish word for birdsong, to sing of one's undocumented life is to risk being consumed by it: 'The song becoming / the bird becoming / the song, ' the poet writes. 'The bird unraveled its song and became undone.' And yet, in the collection's first poem, the desire to tell the story is also inescapable." -The Paris Review

"Castillo resists resignation to silence; his poems embody a belief in art's transformative ability. Lush musicality renders agricultural labor, corporeal punishment, and romantic difficulties beautiful. Forged in Keatsian negative capability, Castillo's poetics often involve finding the description that will lift the painful or unjust into music." -Publishers Weekly -Tara Wanda Merrigan

"I know this book changed me. The book itself knows change, how to change itself, knows so well how transformation-vast essential change which would seem to oppose a self-brings a person ever closer to their truth." -Brenda Shaughnessy

"In the spirit of Whitman, Marcelo Hernandez Castillo slips in silently to lie down between the bridegroom and the bride, to inhabit many bodies and many souls, between rapture and grief. 'I want everything to touch me.' These are poems that open borders both personal and political, a map of silences and celebrations. 'You called it cutting apart/ I called it song.'" -D. A. Powell

"Federico Garcia Lorca described duende as a struggle, not a thought, and the deep and natural lyricism of Marcelo Hernandez Castillo's Cenzontle is a paragon of that struggle, where 'it's easy to make honey/from what is beautiful and what is not.' In this exquisite debut collection, longing twins with inheritance to consider the interiority of nationhood and the legacy of masculinity and exile. Castillo's finely-honed poems celebrate and reveal the contours of physical and historical intimacies, a feast for the eyes and heart." -Carmen Giménez Smith

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ISBN-10: 1942683537
ISBN-13: 9781942683537
Publisher: BOA Editions
Publish Date: 04/10/2018
Dimensions: 8.90" L, 6.90" W, 0.50" H
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