
ISBN-10: 1736494678
ISBN-13: 9781736494677
Publisher: Etruscan Press
Publish Date: 08/29/2023
Dimensions: 0.00" L, 0.00" W, 0.00" H

Bon Courage: Essays on Inheritance, Citizenship, and a Creative Life


Price: $19.00


Bon Courage is a fierce, eclectic, and intimate collection that encompasses the big questions of our time: what we mean by courage, how we define our world, how we choose to exist in it.

Bon Courage is an exhilarating journey through a layered intellectual landscape textured with a range of political and personal enthusiasms, and emboldened by a passionate defense of the disregarded. Wide ranging and inclusive in the essay mode, deep and revealing as a memoir, with the dynamics and layering of great fiction. As if that’s not enough, it sings. Ru Freeman participates intimately while bringing global perspectives to subjects as diverse as Bowie and Dylan, Palestine, 9/11, hairstyles, personal and cultural identity, motherhood and #MeToo. A resplendent and compendious exploration of great empathy, insight, and bon courage indeed. This is a book that is going to make a difference.

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Ru Freeman captures the moment when the thorn enters the skin, and then she leads us forward towards healing. A great collection from one of the best and most necessary voices of our times. –Colum McCann, Let the Great World Spin

Ru Freeman never hesitates to tackle big political issues, but she does so with the most human and heartfelt touch. I've been a fan of her work for a long time and always look forward to what she'll write next. –Celeste Ng, New York Times bestselling author of Little Fires Everywhere

I have known and watched Ru for many years with awe–we have few of her kind in the literary world. A truth-teller, a true fighter, a loving creator, we only have a few that stand for something and not sit for everything. –Porochista Khakpour, Brown Album: Essays on Exile & Identity

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ISBN-10: 1736494678
ISBN-13: 9781736494677
Publisher: Etruscan Press
Publish Date: 08/29/2023
Dimensions: 0.00" L, 0.00" W, 0.00" H
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